Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Just Whinging

It's been a tough few weeks. As usual my facade is immaculately shifty and no one could ever be wiser.

At the moment it's a lot of monetary problems. Yes, there is always that isn't it? We seem to rule the world with words and ideas - and we do rule the world with words and ideas. But there's always that question of cash. There's always that bill to pay just when you are a hairline's distance from knowing what the hell Deleuze and Guattari was on about.

Money, money, money, money. They don't make the world go round. It makes us go round the world. And the thing is we're always stuck somewhere between Indian non-materialism and Western Capitalism.

I'm also at the moment trying to get my Permanent Residency in Western Australia. I've been in this country for nearly 7 years and on the books I'm nothing more than a foreigner. How funny - Multiculturalism takes us into its bosom only to throw us out with the dishwater. Australia doesn't care who you are or what you are. As long as you make the point system on the Immigration chart, you're all right. Oh, I forgot to mention the other criteria - $3500 government bond. That's coming out of my arse along with the money I saved as a University prostitute. Great.

It's always this time of the year that gets me on edge. I feel unstable. For days I have been treading on this thin line that stretches out of my body. It looks like my intestines - convoluted and messy; bloody and gore. It's painful - this extension of myself to worries and anxiety. It's all in the head really. But still, the tension and lactic acids travel all over. I'm looking for casual tutoring as well. Frankly, I'm really sick of it. Prostituting in university all over again. There's only so much that one can service the industry before there's nothing left of the self.

I have looked for ways to feed my passion for teaching and I have found it, but it is still extremely unsatisfying. I want a fulltime job so that this arduous and incessant search for work will end. But universities are cheap bastards that would not give me a second glance unless they can make a profit. I'm really, really sick and tired of this constant travelling and movement between universities. It's just so draining. I feel empty at times. Why? I love teaching(?) I love teaching(.) It is, as I have said, unsatisfactory.

All right. Enough Whinging. What the hell am I doing up at this hour whinging??! God I'm turning into Molina in Kiss of the Spider Woman.

Arrive Derci!


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